Located in the heart of Myrtle Beach, SC USA, this open box concept studio is designed to maximize your creative energies. This 4th floor Studio is 7,000 sq ft and has 48 large windows that create a 270 degree view.  There are spectacular views of the ocean, beach, Ferris wheel, the blvd, Plyer’s Park and the boardwalk. The natural lighting is every photographers dream. This is one of the most unique spaces you will ever visit and is filled with interactive displays and this will enhance your creative process. Because the studio is designed to cater to all your visual art needs, you will create better content and make your clients much happier in the process.

You can also book one of our professional Photographers/Videographers, (click here for more information and pricing).

Photo shoots
Videography/Film making
Music Videos
Live Casts
Tiktok/Facebook/Instragram Videos
Live Fitness Classes
Small Meetings
Product Demos
Commercial shoots
Selfie Sessions



Introducing our streamlined pricing model. it is tailored to meet your needs.

Hourly Rate

$100 per hour

Up to 5 people
$10 each extra person
30 person max
$25 per paper pull
Free use of lighting equipment

Fill out our form below and we will contact you to discuss your rental.

Need to book a last minute session and need faster service?

Call or text us


Studio Rental Quote
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Date / Time of rental
Reason for rental
Equipment needed
Optional professional services
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